
If you’ve been noticing there’s a lot in terms of changes, new pages popping up and improvements happening in the background. Its been a while and there’s a lot to catchup, so lets make it quick. The arrow-11.0 source base has reached a stable status now. We currently stand at a total of 24 official devices and 5 devices supported under the community edition. And a total of 18 maintainers keeping those devices alive, constantly working to push out more stable and up streamed releases. We as a team are thriving forward by supporting more and more new devices. Thanks for all the continued support from our loyal users that admire our work and stick with us in this journey of providing a clean and refined experience on your devices.

Stats web gets a new look

Have you had a look at the new revamped design of our stats website? The boys Abhay Kshatriya, Lineu Martins and Harsh Sharma have really put in a great effort for providing a better UX displaying with all the information needed. Have a look at it here if you haven’t already! This shows a great example of how maintainers can bring up their skills to contribute to the project besides maintaining the device. You feel interested? Check out our post on how to become a device maintainer or on helping the project. Are you already maintaining unofficial builds? Check out our community build guide. You can still maintain community build with us and having it officially posted on our website. We are also proud to present our live installations with the last 24 hours preview page. It was never about the numbers but always been in the view of being transparent to the community. The project would still continue if it was only us the core members using the rom.

Welcoming a young talent

If you remember our post on benefits to the contributors and ArrowOS squad. Recently another one of our contributors has made the cut from our potential candidates list to join the squad. Daniel has joined ArrowOS in the early stages of R as a maintainer for Redmi k20 (davinci). He quickly grabbed our attention with his contributions, activeness and interactivity with the team members. Our work force has been growing lately both IRL and with the project. So its always a great feeling welcoming a new talent, for the good of the project in continuing further support.

A change in build release strategy and a new changelogs page

We have recently moved on from weeklies to nightlies to push out more upstreamed builds and to keep you hooked on the latest merged changes. All the official and community devices of arrow-11.0 will be built everyday. To keep up with the changes you can flash the daily builds or flash a nightly by the end of the week which will be considered as weeklies from now on.

Its impossible for us to manually update the changelogs anymore with the nightlies, so in order to provide a clear view to the users of daily changes the changelogs page has been made dynamic now. All the recently merged changes will be reflected onto the changelog page separated by dates and version per repo.

The godfather

By now you might have already stumbled upon our new dynamic device downloads page. Its been live now since few months providing every bit of info regarding the device and its latest updates. We have long moved on from sourceforge. With our new download website and mirrors you should have experienced stable and extremely faster download speeds, powered by Datapacket. With impeccable 45 Tbps+ global network Datapacket specializes in high-bandwidth data centers and network transit across 5 continents with an awesome 10 gigabit low latency network uplink. We take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to them for partnering with us and providing their enormous support. Thanks a lot Datapacket team, its good to have your back. Last but not the least we wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving. Hope you could find great deals on Black Friday sale on devices. And don’t forget to flash arrow. Stay safe stay healthy.


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